Sunday, January 15, 2023

ads.txt for Publishers

Publishers use the ads.txt file to designate authorized digital sellers of their ad inventory, and DSPs use it to validate that they are buying inventory through an authorized source. Implementation is optional, but we strongly recommend it for the purpose of transparency.

In 2018, the IAB launched ads.txt, a file enabling web publishers to designate authorized digital sellers of their ad inventory. app-ads.txt is the mobile in-app equivalent of this specification, which mobile publishers can implement. This text file declares your Authorized Digital Seller (ADS) List to prevent unauthorized sellers from profiting off your inventory or from selling counterfeit inventory.

To implement ads.txt:

1. Provide your site when you create a placement on your account

Create ads.txt file in Notepad and include the following data:

Ad source domain: For EZmob it will be

ZoneID: you can see it in your tag (&zoneid=)

Type of relationship: For EZmob it will be DIRECT

If you have more than 1 banner zone on your site, just add each as a separate line

Publisher the ads.txt file in the root of your website

Verify that the file was implemented correctly by appending /ads.xt to your domain (as in,

Additionally, EZmob has integrated with several demand partners to increase fill and CPM.

To access this demand, include the following lines in your ads.txt file (Just copy them, open Notepad or any app working with text formats and paste there and save or directly to you current ads.txt file or to your CMS).


發布商的 ads.txt

發布商使用 ads.txt 文件指定其廣告庫存的授權數字賣家,而 DSP 使用它來驗證他們是否通過授權來源購買庫存。 實施是可選的,但出於透明度的目的,我們強烈建議實施。

2018 年,IAB 推出了 ads.txt,該文件使網絡發布商能夠指定其廣告庫存的授權數字賣家。 app-ads.txt 是此規範的移動應用內等效項,移動發布商可以實施。 此文本文件聲明您的授權數字賣家 (ADS) 列表,以防止未經授權的賣家從您的庫存中獲利或銷售假冒庫存。

要實施 ads.txt:

1. 在您的帳戶上創建展示位置時提供您的網站

在記事本中創建 ads.txt 文件並包含以下數據:

廣告來源域:對於 EZmob,它將是


關係類型:對於 EZmob,它將是直接的

如果您的網站上有超過 1 個橫幅區域,只需將每個區域添加為單獨的行

在您網站的根目錄中發布 ads.txt 文件

通過將 /ads.xt 附加到您的域(如

此外,EZmob 已與多個需求合作夥伴整合以提高填充率和每千次展示費用。

要訪問此需求,請在您的 ads.txt 文件中包含以下行(只需複制它們,打開記事本或任何使用文本格式的應用程序並粘貼到那裡,然後保存或直接保存到您當前的 ads.txt 文件或您的 CMS)。

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

FREE Instant Submission:

FREE Instant Submission 14 Stats Pages



免費即時提交 14 個統計頁面

FREE Social Ping Submission:

FREE Social Ping Submission 138 Directories


免費社交 Ping 提交:

免費社交 Ping 提交 138 個目錄

FREE Search Ping Submission:

FREE Search Ping Submission 200 Directories


免費搜索 Ping 提交:

免費搜索 Ping 提交 200 個目錄

Submit Your Website to Search Engines:

FREE Search Engine Submission


